“Find My Champ” app lets you connect with your local Windows Phone Developer Evangelists

Yesterday, Microsoft announced a new application “Find My Champ” to help you findWindows Phone Developer Evangelists near you.
Developer Evangelists plays two major roles;
– To help get the word out about Microsoft products and technologies
– To champion developers.
Phone Champs ensure developers get exactly the help & support they need and are the voice of the developer community. They are all experts Windows Phone platform and serve as local resources to answer questions from current or prospective developers.
Champs can help you troubleshoot a problem in your app and can help you get your hands on a phone for testing.
You can download the app’s source code, here. Developers can also compile the code usingWindows Phone SDK 7.1 and side-load Find My Champ onto your developer device or into the emulator.
The app will also be made available for download in the Marketplace soon.
Connect with your local Phone Champ, ask them for help with your app and also get informed about events or hackathons in your area.